Weapons/us_demolitionpack.hag 3 Satchel charges Weapons/usthompson.hag Thompson with 50 round drum

Weapons/springfield_m1903_sniper.hag Springfield sniper rifle Weapons/us_thompson_30.hag Thompson with 30 round magazine “set+developer 1 +set sv_cheats + set Diehuman 0 During the game press “~” or “`” to appear the console on the screen then type the following cheat Codes. Medal of Honor Pacific Assault (Expansion Pack) Press (tilde) to bring up the console then type: “C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Demo\mohpa_demo.exe” +set ui_console 1 To do so, add “+set ui_console 1” to the shortcut icon. Map – load map (use names from maplist)īefore you can enter these codes, you have to enable the console. Maplist – Load any level (double click on map name) Start the game with the modified shortcut, then press ~ while playing the game to bring up the console and type the codes there. “c:\medal of honor pacific assualt\mohpa.exe” +set developer 1 Start the game with the following parameter “+set developer 1” for example: